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The impact of sleep on overall health Conclusion 미국∙영국[kənˈkluːʒn] Eng conclusion 미국∙영국[kənˈkluːʒn] 결론, (최종적인) 판단 (연설·글 등의) 결말[마무리] (협정 등의) 체결 (=completion) conclude 미국∙영국[kənˈkluːd] 결론[판단]을 내리다 격식 끝나다; 끝내다, 마치다 (협정·조약을) 맺다[체결하다] conclusive 미국∙영국[kənˈkluːsɪv] 미국식[kənˈkluːsɪv] (의심할 여지가 없게) 결정적인[확실한] (↔inconclusive) a foregone conclusion 피할 수 없는[분명한] 결과 a soundly based conclusion 근거가 타당한 결론 오픈 conclusion 결말, 종결, 끝, 결론, 결정, 체결 form a c.. 2023. 2. 5.
How to improve your skeletal health ntroduction Maintaining a healthy skeletal system is crucial for overall health and well-being. Our bones provide support and protection for our vital organs, and also play a key role in movement and physical activity. As we age, it becomes increasingly important to take care of our bones to prevent conditions such as osteoporosis and fractures. In this article, we will discuss a variety of ways.. 2023. 1. 29.
How to improve your reproductive health Introduction Reproductive health is an important aspect of overall well-being for both men and women. It includes the ability to conceive, carry a pregnancy to term, and give birth to a healthy child. It also includes the ability to prevent unintended pregnancies and avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Improving reproductive health can lead to a happier and healthier life for both indi.. 2023. 1. 29.