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mental health5

The benefits of spending time in nature who 미국∙영국[huː] Eng who 미국∙영국[huː] (의문문에서) 누구 …한(사람·사람들을 수식하는 형용사절을 이끎) (→whom) WHO 미국식[ˈoʊ] 영국식[ˌdʌbljuː eɪtʃ ˈəʊ] 세계 보건 기구(World Health Organization) W.H.O. 의학 세계보건기구(世界保健機構). World Health Organization의 약자. 국제연합에 속한 국제기관으로, 사무국은 스위스(Geneva)에 있다. who` just a fun lil pal. who's who 누가 누구인지(사람들의 이름, 직업, 지위 등이 어떻게 되는지) 오픈 WHO 세계보건기구 those who... ...인 사람들 (the people who) one who warns "경고하는 자, 경고하는.. 2023. 2. 4.
The benefits of exercise on mental health distract 미국∙영국[dɪˈstrækt] Eng distract 미국∙영국[dɪˈstrækt] 미국식[dɪˈstrækt] (정신이) 집중이 안 되게[산만하게/산란하게] 하다, (주의를) 딴 데로 돌리다 (=divert) distraction 미국∙영국[dɪˈstrækʃn] (주의) 집중을 방해하는 것, 머리를 식히게 해 주는 것 오락 (활동) distract one's attention 정신을 흐트러뜨리다 divert[distract] one's mind 울적한 마음을 풀다 distract from …에서 다른 곳으로 돌리다. 오픈 distract vt. 혼란시키다 distract or disturb [두운] 정신을 흐트러뜨리고 어지럽히다 예제 It was all a ploy to distract .. 2023. 2. 2.
The impact of social media on mental health The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health Introduction Social media has become an integral part of our lives in recent years. With the rise of technology and internet accessibility, social media platforms have become a primary means of communication and connection for many people. It has made it easier for us to stay connected with our loved ones, share our experiences, and get access to infor.. 2023. 1. 31.
The power of positive thinking Introduction The power of positive thinking has been a topic of discussion for many years. Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of life and minimizes the negative. This approach to life can have a profound impact on an individual's overall well-being and happiness. In this article, we will explore the many benefits of positive thinking, how to cult.. 2023. 1. 31.